Dear Friends,
I’d always hoped these weekly letters would be positive, upbeat and encouraging; but every now and again we find ourselves confronted by what is effectively a moral and spiritual ‘kick in the teeth’. Today has been such a day. The publication of the report of the Independent enquiry into child sex abuse concerning the Church of England and the Church in Wales. (even though it is ‘limited’ to that one tradition, be in no doubt that its findings apply to the ‘whole church’). We knew it was coming. We had a pretty good idea what it would say. It is damning, shocking, and accusing in equal measure. The scale of the abuse inflicted on vulnerable and impressionable children is breath taking. But if that isn’t enough, it is the extent of the cover-up which really hits home. Forcing victims to see their perpetrators’ behaviour swept under the carpet for the sake of the well-being of the institution. A hierarchy arrogantly assuming to itself the wisdom and the power to resolve such matters, quietly, and secretly. Even twenty years ago when as an Industrial Chaplain I would visit offices, factories, workplaces talking to folk about this and that; it was clergy sex scandals that was reckoned to be the reason why many people had lost ‘faith’ in the Church…
…Today is one of those days when wider society held a mirror up to our faces and we are bound to confess we are ashamed at what we see. Hopefully, changes introduced in recent years to do with safe guarding procedures will mean that much of what has been commented on today is already ‘history’. But as has often be said, those who fail to learn from the mistakes of the past will inevitably repeat them…
…Today is a day for saying sorry. Nothing any of us says can undo the hurt experienced by the victims; many of whom have had to wait a life-time for their voices to be heard, their ‘stories’ believed, their claims vindicated. But that shouldn’t stop us from saying sorry. Scripture reminds us that God’s judgement begins with the House of the Lord. Today, public opinion judges us, in a number of cases perpetrators have been judged by the courts. But on this day, more than any other day, we remind ourselves that we stand condemned by God, the righteous Judge. Until we realise this to be so, there can be no forgiveness…
…And so, if you are in the habit of praying, pray for the victims of clergy sex abuse; and for those who work with them, helping them to cope, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually; and also, for those brave enough to speak out in the hope that this evil might be rooted out from amongst us once and for all…
…And so, a different letter from the one I might have written, but one I felt I had no choice but to write…I hope you understand…