‘…Why could we not drive it out…?’ (Mark 9, 28) As we continue our Lenten journey inviting one another to take a serious look at ourselves; last week thinking about…
‘…Who can forgives sins but God alone?...’ (Mark 2, 7). Previously Mark had demonstrated Jesus’ authority over the demons and then over sickness, now he describes Jesus’ self – declared…
‘…He taught them as One who had authority…’ (Mark 1, 22). After assembling His ‘team’ ‘Jesus & the Four Fishermen’, as they were known in the pubs, the clubs and…
‘Follow Me’ (Mark 1, 7) Ambition has a ring to it; as if it’s not quite right; an air of selfishness attaches to it. Yet, Vocation seems entirely right, a…
‘…Preaching a Baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins…’ (Mark 1, 4). The cornerstone of the message of the New Testament is a call to repentance’…John the Baptist is…