‘…Repay no one evil for evil…’ (Romans 12, 17a) In a recent episode of ‘Not Going Out’ it was remarked that ‘Hate is a ‘mummy & daddy’ word. Bigotry is…
Show no partiality as you hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ (James 2, 1) The Letter of James is perhaps the most straightforward of all the books of…
‘…Be Transformed by the renewing of your mind…’ (Romans 12, 2a) None of us likes to admit it, but the truth is we are all under pressure to conform. But…
‘…The poor you always have with you…’ (John 12, 8) I have chosen my word carefully. I could have opted for the more straight forward ‘Freedom from Poverty, but therein…
‘…If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed…’ (John 8, 36). It seems that early Christians regarded slaves who converted to have been ‘set free’ spiritually;…
‘May your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless’ (1 Thess. 5, 23) So much of who we are, what we are is defined for us. But…