‘…According to the riches of God’s glory…’ (Ephesians 3, 16a) As good a description as any of what we understand as ‘benevolence’ – ‘giving for giving’s sake’ – and this…
‘…The Mystery of God’s Will, according to God’s Purpose…’ (Ephesians 1, 9). In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going…
Have you ever said, ‘It’s not fair!’ about something. A man called Charlie Boswell could have said it. `but he didn’t. He was blinded during the second world war whilst…
‘…In the richness of His Grace God has lavished on us all wisdom and insight…’ (Ephesians 1, 8). ‘Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord…’…