• During this week, which embraces both the Death & the Resurrection of Jesus, please pray for, All those whom we know who have experienced bereavement since last Easter… All those for whom the Easter season is a reminder of loved ones no longer with us…

  • During this week, please pray for… Our local churches & congregations as we make preparations to celebrate the events of Holy Week – Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, & beyond – that even though ours services will necessarily be different in form and structure, that they will nevertheless be faithful to the Gospel story, in such a way as to be relevant to the lived experience of all who will share in them…

  • During this week, we look out on the world. Please pray, remembering… Those countries where Covid-19 continues to cause large scale suffering. Where healthcare facilities are stretched beyond breaking point. Where the virus is just another problem alongside famine, disease, war, civil unrest, poverty, unemployment…

  • During this week, which includes ‘Mothering Sunday’, or ‘Mothers’ Day’, please pray… For ‘Mother Church’; for those who shared their faith with us, nurtured us and encouraged us. For the various congregations of which we have been a part over the years. For fellowship in the Gospel with sisters & brothers in Christ…

  • During this 3rd week of Lent, which contains within it on Friday 5th the ‘World Day of Prayer’ prepared, organised & facilitated by the women of VANUATU, we pray…

  • In the 2nd week of Lent, we think of the immediate situation confronting us all, the Global Pandemic, & its consequences…

  • The 17th is Ash Wednesday – the day, at the beginning of Lent, when we remind ourselves that we are just what we are: human; made from the dust, the same dust to which we will eventually return – a day for reflecting about ourselves…And so…