During this week, which embraces both the Death & the Resurrection of Jesus, please pray for, All those whom we know who have experienced bereavement since last Easter… All those for whom the Easter season is a reminder of loved ones no longer with us…
During this week, please pray for… Our local churches & congregations as we make preparations to celebrate the events of Holy Week – Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, & beyond – that even though ours services will necessarily be different in form and structure, that they will nevertheless be faithful to the Gospel story, in such a way as to be relevant to the lived experience of all who will share in them…
During this week, we look out on the world. Please pray, remembering… Those countries where Covid-19 continues to cause large scale suffering. Where healthcare facilities are stretched beyond breaking point. Where the virus is just another problem alongside famine, disease, war, civil unrest, poverty, unemployment…
During this week, which includes ‘Mothering Sunday’, or ‘Mothers’ Day’, please pray… For ‘Mother Church’; for those who shared their faith with us, nurtured us and encouraged us. For the various congregations of which we have been a part over the years. For fellowship in the Gospel with sisters & brothers in Christ…
During this 3rd week of Lent, which contains within it on Friday 5th the ‘World Day of Prayer’ prepared, organised & facilitated by the women of VANUATU, we pray…
In the 2nd week of Lent, we think of the immediate situation confronting us all, the Global Pandemic, & its consequences…
The 17th is Ash Wednesday – the day, at the beginning of Lent, when we remind ourselves that we are just what we are: human; made from the dust, the same dust to which we will eventually return – a day for reflecting about ourselves…And so…