Dear Friends,
As far as church is concerned – churches everywhere – the ‘new normal’ is beginning to reveal itself. Congregations, ours included, are regathering their buildings for worship. At the same time churches are continuing to develop the different methods of sharing in worship that were forced upon all of us by the Lockdown closure. This has been primarily through an on-line presence but has also included e/mail communications, and even sending round pieces of paper…
…It is what those who know about these things are calling ‘hybrid’ church – actual and virtual – realising that both ways are equally valid expressions of what it means to worship God in the company of others…
…Some of us will only ever participate in the actual act of worship that takes place in the building where everyone is physically present, and it has good to see what being able to worship this way once again has meant to many of our folk – smiling behind the mask. But some of us will also share in the worship enacted in cyberspace. While there will be those who will only engage through social media; perhaps out of necessity, or maybe out of choice. Some people find it easier to be part of a fellowship that is on-line; it is certainly easier for those who find themselves ‘on the fringes of faith’. Then there will be those who live away from the building – another part of the country, another pat of the world even, – those who wish to identify with the church, but for them this is the only way…
…It will be an exciting challenge for us to see to it that we do all we can to fully integrate ourselves – not one church with two congregations –just one church…
…This will require all of us to be more creative than ever; more flexible in our approach, more adaptable to our circumstances, more willing to embrace change. Not for change’s sake but because it is the way forward, indeed it is the only way forward…
…An example: I have always thought of evangelism in terms of ‘each one bring one’. One can see how that might apply to services and events in the church. But it can also work well on-line. E.g. those of FACEBOOK can invite a friend to join the church’s FACEBOOK group; they can share videos of church services etc. on their FACEBOOK timeline. YOUTUBE Videos can be shared in similar fashion…
…Pastoral care is not so easy; but with the ability to exchange personal messages, e/mails, texts, telephone calls, it can be done…
…So, welcome everyone, to the new normal. With God’s help it can be made to work for us, not against us. The ‘old’ normal is not going away, please don’t think that. The building is ‘open for business’ and long may that be the case; but other opportunities are opening up as well. ‘An open door that no one can shut’…
Ian Tutton