Dear Friends,
We continue to live in strange times. For the first time in many months the Covid-19 pandemic is not the lead story. Following on from the death of George Floyd, the subsequent protests against racism – ‘Black Lives Matter’ – have filled the headlines. In particular the question of statues erected in memory of certain individuals, usually in recognition of the contribution they might have made to the life of a community or even of the nation itself, but who during their lifetime were responsible for attitudes and activities that today we would find reprehensible. The debate having crystallised around Bristol and the person of Edward Colston. No one can doubt the difference his philanthropy has made to Bristol and several iconic landmarks bear his name; ‘The Colston Hall’ being the most obvious. But his wealth was accrued through his involvement in the slave trade. The Book of Daniel tells of a vision concerning the future as represented by a giant statue; a statue whose feet were made of clay, and it was that inherent ’weakness’ that brought about its downfall. It may be that the lesson for us all is that none of us is deserving of being put on a pedestal by our peers for all of us have ‘feet of clay’ sufficient to cause us, one day, to come crashing down. It is not that such people should be air-brushed out of history because if humanity is to make progress, it has to be able to learn the lessons of the past, but that history has to be of the ‘warts and all’ variety, and for Christians filtered through the lens of repentance and forgiveness, realising that ‘there but for the grace of God goes each of us’, (and sometimes in spite of the grace of God!)…
…Anyway, back to the pandemic. You will be aware that Govt is considering allowing places of worship to open from June 15th onwards for personal/private prayer but not yet for corporate or communal worship. Please continue to be patient. The Trustees will be considering the implications of all Govt. announcements as far as the Free Church is concerned. We want the building to be open, nevertheless it is important that we continue to proceed carefully and cautiously so as to ensure the well-being of everyone. And while we as a nation are able to give a huge sigh of relief that the worst of it has passed. We still have to be vigilant so as not to undermine the sacrifices we have all had to make to get us to where we are…
…In your prayers please remember those many countries in the world – principally in Africa, Central & South America, South-East Asia, & the Middle East – for whom the nightmare is far from over. Especially those poorer countries whose Health Care infrastructure is ill-equipped to cope with the large and increasing numbers of casualties. This is truly a Global pandemic and it demands a global response. So please, pray for our world at this time…
Ian Tutton